
The Snapping Turtle

Guest PostDec 8, 20213 min read

My brother’s co-worker’s brother and his wife were coming home at midnight from a birthday party. They were coming down the bridge on Kercher Road, when they spotted a turtle crossing the road. Being lovers of turtles(and all other animals), they turned on their four-ways and parked in the median. They sat and watched theRead More

Wintertime Diversity

LesDec 6, 20218 min read

Part One It’s that time of the year again when we occasionally see snow on the ground.  Although it looks like this year we may skip the snow entirely.  Makes me think that if I were a bit younger and…


LesDec 3, 20215 min read

Thanksgiving at our house this year was sort of a relaxed thing.   I learned something new, well, actually I learned a lot of new things when I got married.  What I’m talking about here is a bit of southern tradition…


Guest PostDec 1, 20214 min read

(a true story) I don’t remember her name, but I know she must have lived in a house that had a clear view of the street. It was probably on a second or third story because the owners there usually…

Fire and Loose Tow Ropes

LesNov 29, 20215 min read

Part two One rather coolish day, I was out mixing a load of feed.  Ole Kate had been serving us faithfully.  I was soon to see how heroically.  She had developed an oil leak that mainly showed up when the…