
Spotted King Snakes/Small Town Weatherman

LesMar 28, 20226 min read

I was on a parts run to Liberal the other day, and stopped in at Stanion to pick up some things on my list.  A rather young, but quite friendly dude whom I hadn’t seen in there before met me at the counter and asked what I needed.  My first impression had me curious howRead More

Leave Some Joy

LesMar 21, 20224 min read

I like my friend Loren.  Quite a lot actually.  I suppose if I call him a friend, I should like him.  He’s one of those folks who bring with them their own type of joy, spread it around while they…

Foodie #2

LesMar 19, 20227 min read

Okay.  I suspect if the sister of mine still reads these things, she would rise up in accusation with the above title, should I have not titled it that.  At times I feel her presence very distinctly. But let’s just…

Tube Socks

LesMar 14, 20227 min read

It might be a little bit early to go camping. But it’s never too early to contemplate it. Everyone should go camping at least twice, and, if after that, you become a fan, go as many times as you wish.…

Botox Smiles

LesMar 11, 20226 min read

(A mediocre collage of insights; not meant to demean any location or gender) Come along about Thursday of last week, the premonition that had been lurking in my mind for the last several days became a full-blown realization. I wasn’t…