
What to Write

LesApr 25, 20226 min read

Some years ago, almost in another lifetime, I taught school. Those were some of the best years of my life, and quite possibly, the most traumatic for my students. Someday, I may write a bit about those years. But I do recall something I often told my students during creative writing; “When it feels right—write.Read More


LesApr 22, 20223 min read

I asked, without any preamble whatsoever, which part of India she was from.  Our acquaintance wasn’t 30 seconds old when I asked, either. And she answered, without any preamble whatsoever, that she was from New Delhi. I told her in…

Rules of Marriage

LesApr 18, 20224 min read

(from an air conditioner man) I didn’t know my friend Daniel existed until 12 years ago.  It would have been better for me if I had known him before that, although I can’t speak for him. I became acquainted with…

Golden Moment

LesApr 11, 20224 min read

Probably 15 or 20 years ago, I read a bit of a story that treated on this subject. And since then, more or less consciously and sometimes subconsciously, I’ve done like that little boy did. The little boy was settling…


LesApr 4, 20226 min read

She was obviously a brainer. I could see it from 300 feet away as easily as I could at 30. She was down in the northwest corner of pen 3, laying on her left side. Her head was cranked back…