
India #4

LesMay 27, 20225 min read

Having flown into Germany a couple years previous, I was interested to see if Amsterdam compared in any way.  It did in a number of ways, although the food was a bit blander, if not much the same base. I was so tired by that point, though, that it was hard to comprehend anything.  IRead More


LesMay 23, 20225 min read

The other morning, I vacuumed the house.  I realized several things in the process.  One, vacuum must not be my favorite word, because its muscle memory hasn’t been engraved into my fingers; it doesn’t type easily like some other words…

India #3

LesMay 20, 20226 min read

If I ever have any extra time in Atlanta airport, it seems I end up in a little corner of it, off to one side.  I say I’m largely unresponsible for this.  My feet seem to get me there by…

Blood and Tears

LesMay 16, 20229 min read

Or maybe the title should be, Blood, Tears, and Smiles. (The daughter keeps badgering me about this one . . . I tell her each time that I’m not ready to yet, ‘cause I’m a sentimental mush about it, and…

India #2

LesMay 14, 20224 min read

I’ve taken the flight from Garden City to Dallas a dozen times by now.  You need to get there early, because the same gal who checks you in also helps with security and may even help fuel the plane.  It’s…