Dear K1, K2, and K3—(You know who you are)

We got your letter in the mail today.  I admit, it made me about as happy as when I see the most beautiful sunset, or when I see random wildflowers growing where I never expected to see them grow. 

I really don’t know why I’m writing you back.  The stuff I’m about to write probably won’t interest you in the least.  And . . . I’m fixing to post this on my blog, which, if you ask normal people, is probably weird.  But, this definitely isn’t the first time I’ve ran into that handle of weird being associated with me.

I like reading blogs.  I like to see what normal everyday life is like for others, and that is probably why I have a blog myself.  I currently read blogs written by a previous school teacher, a new school teacher, a new wife, another new wife, a guy who has a welding shop, another guy who has a carpentry business, a guy who writes a blog for a job, and once in a while, another guy who writes a blog for a job.  I suppose that is why I’m writing this on my blog, because I’m guessing there might be a few people who read this and maybe like it, and there might be a lot who don’t.

Do you like your teacher?  I bet if I asked you that in the same room as you are now, with her right there, you would say you did like her.  But, I’m guessing you’ve been mad at her already.  And you know what?  That’s okay.  Because that is a sign you have a good teacher, if you get mad at them once in a while.  It’s also a sign you have good parents, if you get mad at them, or a good boss.  As long as you don’t stay mad.  Because if you get mad at them, that means they are doing the best they can to help you get through the things you don’t know.  So . . . really you aren’t ever mad at them, just indirectly mad because of what you are trying to learn.

I keep losing my sunglasses.  It wouldn’t be such a big deal if I could find them after I lost them.  But I never can.  I must be on my tenth pair in the last five years now.  I suppose I should get one of those string things that tie to the back of them so whenever I took them off, they’d hang around my neck.  But I dunno, then it seems like I’d break them when I leaned up against something.  I’m still kinda happy at the memory of losing my last pair though.  I lost them while playing disc golf with Bryce.  I put them in my disc golf bag where I always do, and they have always stayed there, but I guess this time they didn’t.  And you know why I’m happy?  Cause I beat Bryce that time.  And I hardly ever beat him.  And he always says he doesn’t like the course we play when I beat him, but I think he just says that cause he doesn’t like his old Dad winning.

Yesterday, it was so stupid.  Right after posting that blog about Bozar, I got lonesome for him.  So I went right out to where he was and told him I had written a blog about him.  He was UNIMPRESSED!!  But, after generally chewing me out while chewing on some grass, we had a nice time together.  I slapped his huge neck to get some of the flies off and it wasn’t long afterwards that he told me he had better be moving on, he things to do and places to see, he said.  I laughed.  Because about all he can see is his pasture.  He hasn’t been to New York and I don’t think he ever will, but I’d sure recommend it to him if I knew he could get there. 

I need to mow the grass today, and do some book work.  It also looks like it could be a nice evening for disc golf, but I don’t have a very good feeling about my game at this point.  Like, if I was playing with Bryce, I’m sure he’d beat.  But at least I wouldn’t bash the course and say I didn’t like it if I lost.

Boola is snoring away, not ten feet from me on the floor by the couch.  Taz is out helping Mama Jan feed the cats.  Oh.  Last night?  I was sitting out in the dark on the back porch when I saw the three new kittens running up behind their mama towards me.  I sat still as a mouse (a kinda big one) and watched, cause I knew they had never seen me before.  They got to within 5 feet of me before they realized there was something big and scary looking on the camp chair.  At first the only thing they saw on him move was his eyes, and that definitely unnerved them, but they stayed where they were, ready to run in an instant.  Then, they saw his head move, ever so slowly, and two of them scatted away completely.  But the third one climbed a tree nearby and watched the big thing in the camp chair from there.  I think it ran off when big thing got up to go inside though.

Yesterday, your teacher said I had typo’s in my blog.  She thought it was funny.  But I thought her sentence structure telling me about it was even funnier.  You’ll have to ask to see her messages to me. 

It looks like my dinner hour is about up, and I think you will soon be leaving school.  Tell Austin and his pretty wife Lindsey hello for me, even though I just saw them both this morning.

Love, from you know who