Who Are You?

Psalms 55:13

“Who are you, really?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, one place it says I need to fear you, and do everything you tell me to do.  Are you a dictator?”

“Go on.”

Okay, I will.  Another place it says I should honor you.  Like you are a President or King or something.”


“Well, to my way of thinking you could be a dictator and exact both fear and honor, or you could be a King and exact the same.  It makes a huge difference how I think about you, if you are a dictator or King.”


“If you are a dictator, then I’m going to be scared of you the whole time.  I’ll be afraid you’ll be out spying on me to make sure I’m doing things like you want them done.  It’d be a lot the same if you were a King, but then I think I’d dare to hope you might give good things to those under you once in a while.  That is, unless you turned into a dictator from being a King.  It happens.”

“Okay, what else?”

“It says I should love you.”

“What’s so hard about that?”

“I don’t know what kind of love you want.  Love that follows you around like a lost puppy?  Love like I feel for my wife?  Tough love?  Permissive love?  I don’t think you could be a wicked King and get me to love you, nor a dictator.  It begs the question, again, who are you?”

“Anything else?”

“Well, I read that you got angry once.  Not sure I can understand that one, because in other places it says you are kind and compassionate.  I’m afraid if you got angry at me, it would cancel out any love and kindness you had shown previously.

What about the place where it says you chasten those who follow you?  Am I given to understand that I’m always going to be jumpy around you?  Not knowing what side of you I’ll see next?”

“Anything more, or are you done?”

“Well, there might be more, but I’ll let that suffice for now.”

“Okay.  I must say you have made it complicated for yourself.”


“Because it’s so simple.  I wish you wouldn’t muddle it up so.”

“I’m sorry.”

“You are fine.  That’s to be expected with the limitations of your humanness. 

How about we take a little ride in your truck together.”

“Sure.  You want to drive?”

“No, I’ll ride.”

“Well, it’s been several miles.  Why aren’t you saying anything?”

“I’m enjoying the beautiful day.  I’m enjoying you.”

“You seem so relaxed.”

“Sure.  If you keep it simple, you will be also.”

“So . . .?”

“This is who I am.  I am just like you.  Sometimes people fear you.  Sometimes they really love you for what you do.  Sometimes you get angry.  Sometimes they honor you.  But really, it’s more than that. 

I am your equal. 

I am your best friend, your companion. 

And maybe that’s why it hurts me just as badly as it hurts you when we need to talk things out and make amends.”

“So, what about all the other titles?”

“You were the one who coined those, not me.”
