God Always Has a Meanwhile

This one has stuck with me for a while.

At first, I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not.

Because it was rather threatening in a way.

Like, if God always has a meanwhile, then are there days were I’m not His sole interest?

But it’s turned around for me.

And I actually take a lot of comfort in that statement.

I know that while God is busy in His Kingdom, ‘Forming worlds, and causing stars to shine,’ like some song says, that I am as important as those worlds, as powerful as each sun that bursts out in blinding light and energy.

Because, meanwhile, while he is doing all of that, He is with me, just as sure as the first day I started walking with Him.

I think I get it mixed up, somehow, on the days when I’m not doing so well.

I tend to think that God left off on his attentions to me, and someone else more important has claimed his attention.

So, I go about in a swarm of busyness and despair, on those days.

Busy, because I feel like I must find Him to make everything get back to normal.

And despair, because as the day wears on, I don’t find him, and I become convinced that the day will end before I find him again.

We humans are interesting that way.  Seems like the more stressed out we get, the more stress we take upon ourselves that is entirely not ours to carry.

We forget that on that dreadful day when we realized the sky would crash down upon us and consume us and our sins, should the end of the world arrive, that we did nothing to reach God.

All we did, was gave up; said we couldn’t do it, and, if we could still halfway think, we spoke his name into our night in one last desperate gesture of utter loneliness. 

And in that moment of total loneliness, our world became a little less dark, and a little less cold.

It was then, in that light that shined around us, light that we did not generate, that we saw His presence, and we realized that His presence had come a long way from some Kingdom much more glorious than we’ll ever know, and that His presence now leaned up against us, steadying, upholding, and sustaining.

And, thankfully, He found us; because we could never find him on our own.

And He found me, because He had a meanwhile.

And that meanwhile is what made it possible for Him to reach me at the same time as he reached so many others, and at the same time as he was flinging new stars against velvety blackness, and causing new worlds to shine.

  • Deli

    Love this.

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