Shaded Communication

I could have known he was a curious customer when he called me and expressly chewed me out because the UPS driver ran over and killed his dog.

Yeah.  It didn’t make sense to me either.

Because I have no affiliations with UPS as far as I know of.

Well, I did get the brunt of it about the UPS driver.   But what he really wanted to give me thunder about was that I hadn’t called him with the exact time when I planned to have my boys on his yard.

Even though I had called him and told him the boys would be there sometime that day.

After his dog was killed that morning, he was antsy.  He didn’t want anyone driving in unexpectedly and running over his other dog, he said. 

I commiserated with him about dogs dying and listened as he told me at length all about this dog so recently killed.

It became a tedious conversation, and I began to wonder if his emotions were as wrought up as it seemed or if he was a bit sloshed and that was making them act that way.

At any rate, we got the go ahead to install the generator he was thinking about.

And then, when it was all set and running, he says, “I can’t pay it all at once. (Even though we had discussed this earlier, and he said he could) do you accept payments?”

So, we set up a payment schedule. 

And I didn’t hear from him for about a year.

Until the other day.

He called to say his generator sounded like a sick pig when it ran.  Admittedly, I had a hard time conceptualizing the two sounds as anything synonymous.

He was big on the warranty issue; said we needed to get out there and do the work under warranty.

Evidently, his curious traits hadn’t been lost on him in the past year.

He had piled some powdery manure almost up against his generator, and with any small gust, and all of the larger ones, it packed itself in and around the unit, stifling off any way it could run at all.

He had blown most of it out by the time we got there, the air filter was plugged solid, and after blowing that out, it ran fine.

But he insists our time be covered under warranty.