Dear K1, K2, and K3

I hear, in a roundabout way, that your teacher dropped herself on her head, and now you don’t need to have school for the rest of the week.

I bet that’s a good feeling.  Not having school that is.

But do something for me, will you?  Take care of your schoolteacher for me, since I can’t be there to harass her back to the light of day.

I have good news to tell you. 

The vacuum sweeper? 

It quit.

On the very plugin that it embarrassed me so dreadfully with the help lady.

I won’t even bother to call the help lady about it.  Because now it started working again, on a different plugin this time. 

I think it has a thing about work and chooses when or when not to get busy.  Might not be so very different from people who go to school.

I hadn’t talked to Bozar in a long time, so I rode out to where he was munching away on the dried out, brown grass that is all there is left to eat anymore.

He took one look at me, lowered his head, and whipped it from side to side, stringing slobber all over the place.  Next, he made a lunge at me, like he was ready to take me out.  But he stopped short, and just chuckled at me.  “Dude,” I said, “You are so stupid, you aren’t even stupid.” 

I patted his head, thumped his thick, heavy neck, and talked about life with him.  He lowered his head against my leg and just held it there for a while, then he rubbed up and down a couple of times and said, “That’s it pal,” so I got on my way back home.

I need to grill some chicken tomorrow morning for Bryce.  They are supposed to do an Indian meal for the youth tomorrow evening.  I imagine I’ll do the grilling over charcoal, seems like it always tastes better that way, even if it is more work.

Just so you know, by my count it’s 13 days until I see if I can find a jet plane that will fly me over to Syracuse, and then I’ll see if I can’t find a ride to Ohara road. 

We may have some good times together if we aren’t careful. 

Oh.  It’s my turn to choose a word for next week.  Amber, who is just a bit older than you, K3, and I take turns picking a word and then we both include it in what we write.

I have several words saved up to choose from.  They are Myopic, Ululation, Pith, Scamp, Alacrity, and Natty. 

Why don’t you pick one for me out of that list?

(Do you think since I included all of them in this that I won’t need to write on any of them now?)

Till then,