
“You ever hear about those Levites?”

“You talking about the ones that lived in the temple?  I did a few years ago.”

“Yeah.  The ones that lived in the temple.  You know why they lived there?”

“Not totally.”

“They were musicians.  They were on duty at all times.”


“Yeah.  They were exempt from all other work so they could be on call, any time day or night, to sing.”

“They sang at night?”

“Yep.  Sometimes all night.  What do you think that would have been like to be fast asleep, and awake to the gentle swell of music wafting over the camp?”

“I can’t imagine.  It seems like you might have almost wondered if you were on the fringes of Heaven, listening in.”

“Night singing was very important.  But they were used for other reasons.  They once went out in front of our army to meet those who had come set up an attack against us.  We won that day.”

“Without armor?”

“With armor.  They were armed with song.”

“That took unimaginable courage.”

“Yes.  But songs give courage, so it wasn’t entirely up to them.”


“Always, always, they were there, ready.  Always there in the temple.”


“Do you get it?”

“I’m not sure I do.”

“I’m your Musician. 

I’m always in the temple.  Always on call.  I’ll sing to you in the night, or, I’ll be out in front of you, singing as we go to war.”


  • melgra Leatherman


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