My Best Girl

She came to Kansas 30 years ago to teach 3rd & 4th grades at our little country school.

And just like that, a new world was ushered in for this Western Kansas boy.

But, she made it very clear from the onset that she was in this to teach, not for other things.

She would not get married just because lots of teachers end up getting married where they teach.

Neither would she marry a Kansas boy. 

She had her reasons for this, and they were good reasons.  I could completely identify with them once I traveled to her home state of Mississippi for the first time; I knew from that point on that the fight to claim her was going to be a difficult one. 

Little by little, one chip off at a time, her guard came down.  Until, if I was lucky, I would hear her honk as she went by on her way home from school, late in the evening.

And then one day I got a birthday card from her. 

I was stunned.  Was this for real?  Or was she playing jokes.

Again, bit by bit, the scene changed for both of us.  Although, I am quite confident if she could go back and do it over, she definitely would not be impressed with the ways I tried to impress her then.  I was desperate though, and at the time, I’d sacrifice my public image for a glance from her.

And really, if I got that glance, what did public image matter?  Because once the eyes meet, the heart is never happier and doesn’t care really, what others think.

My world began to take on dimensions far beyond my comprehension.

I found out about farm raised Mississippi catfish, deep fried out in the yard.  I ate so much of that stuff I was sure I’d be sick.  But I found out you don’t get sick from it.

I came in contact with that warm southern hospitality, and I’ve never been the same.  Even though it will never be native to me, I hope that in some small way I can pass it along to those I am with.

My first taste of Chinese food was with her.  And I know that having her there made it taste just like it was supposed to. 

I became immersed in family.  Family gatherings that lasted for days, not hours.  At first, I was gulping down the queazies, not sure how I was going to endure this whole thing when she told me what to expect.  But I soon learned that her family is the kind you would rather spend days with, and not hours.

Fried Okra and her are one and the same.  If we are lucky, tonight we’ll order a dish of it and snack on it together.

Because of her, I found gentleness in myself that I didn’t know I had.  And, God help me, I hope I can continue to learn more of it as life goes along.

I see satisfaction in the everyday things of life.  Whereas my life demanded the ultra before I met her, I now know that life can be happy with everyday life. 

I see her in each of our children, and rejoice that because of her, they have every chance to make it in life.

Twenty-six years ago, today.

My Best Girl.  Forever.

Better than I was,

More than I am,

And all of this happened,

By taking your hand.