
My niece failed her college algebra test.

When I first heard about it, I was mad clean through.

Because I knew it wasn’t true.

I love that girl like I do my own daughter.  If any of my other nieces read this, you can bet she ain’t the only niece I love that way.

My niece has been on a journey that I can’t comprehend.  If I were to take several years of nursing school and still expect to have a stomach left, it wouldn’t happen.  Plus, I’d freak out when it came time to offer my arm for other newbies to poke on. 

There’s a reason they eat grits in the south where she lives . . . you gotta have them to make it.

Like I said, she’s been on a journey, and it’s made me proud to say I’m her relation. 

So, when she told me she was taking algebra now, I said to myself, “she’ll be okay.”

And that’s why, when I heard she had failed, I knew something wasn’t right.

Because she knows her stuff.

I told her she needed to talk to her professor and see what ever happened.  I didn’t tell her, that if she didn’t, I was going to for her.

Turns out, she passed her test.  At least that’s what the professor told her.  She just hadn’t included the paper showing her work and how she had solved the problems. 

And I’m like, duh.  Doesn’t algebra work with unknown variables? 

Maybe that was part of the equation. 

I’m wondering if that professor shouldn’t do a little algebra herself with unknown variables. 

I bet one of those unknown variables would turn up the sheet my niece failed to hand in and then she’d be good to go. 

When I heard that she actually hadn’t failed, I wanted to go eat some ice-cream with her to celebrate.

Because, in my estimation, she never did fail.

If you read this and realize you didn’t get a notification, you are right. I posted it right after another post and didn’t want to clog people’s inboxes. Sometimes a person has to vent a little to get it out of their system.